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Writer's pictureAndrew Siler

Emerging Tools for Advanced Voltage Stability Analysis

MISO 2023 Attributes Roadmap

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The reliability of our electric system is absolutely imperative. The growth of renewable inverter-based resources (IBRs) presents unique challenges for the future reliability of the bulk power system. Grid planners and operators are wrestling with this topic as they plan for the grid of the future, and are often forced to consider new methods of studying the power system.

In December 2023, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) published their 2023 Attributes Roadmap, a comprehensive report detailing the challenges that come with planning and operating a fast-changing electric system. The report highlights three key areas where the risk to the reliability of the future MISO system is most evident: system adequacy, flexibility, and system stability.

Telos Energy, in partnership with HickoryLedge, is proud of our work with MISO researching and developing a new method of screening for voltage stability issues on the bulk electric system. We have written about the method in a previous blog post.

The method uses highly detailed electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulations to characterize individual IBRs in terms of a “dynamic impedance” value that is then used in a steady-state positive sequence screening process to estimate the voltage stability limits of the bulk MISO system. A high level review of the method is showcased on pages 36-42 of the 2023 Attributes Roadmap.

High-level diagram of proposed voltage stability screening method

We are very excited to continue developing and exploring all possible use cases for this method. While the development of the method is ongoing, our results have been promising so far! A detailed description of our recent effort demonstrating the efficacy of the method on the bulk MISO system is shown in Section C.3.3 of the 2023 Attributes Roadmap Technical Appendix.

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